11 research outputs found

    Preservice Mathematics Teachers’ Personal Figural Concepts and Classifications About Quadrilaterals

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    The aim of this study was to determine preservice mathematics teachers’ personal figural concepts and hierarchical classifications about quadrilaterals and to investigate the relationships between them. The participants were 57 preservice primary mathematics teachers in their senior year at a state university in Turkey. The preservice mathematics teachers were administered a questionnaire that consisted of 13 questions extracted from studies on the descriptions and images of quadrilaterals, identification of quadrilateral families among given images, and identification and classification of the relationships between quadrilaterals. The results showed that the preservice mathematics teachers’ knowledge of quadrilaterals learnt at primary-secondary school level and prototypical images were dominant in their personal figural concepts. Also, the teachers didn’t use the hierarchical definitions of quadrilaterals and were not able to establish relationships among quadrilaterals due to the effect of prototypical images in choosing a family category among the given images. On the other hand, the majority of the participants gave correct answers to the questions about the dual relationships among quadrilaterals. The study concluded that although the preservice teachers possessed formal definitions of quadrilaterals, their prototypical images affected their personal figural concepts

    Number System Conversions in Spreadsheets for vocational school students: A Case Study from Instrumental Genesis

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    Theoretical frameworks for mathematics teaching and learning technology-supported provide a systematic structure in examining the contribution of the tool to conceptual development. This study examines the processes for the use of spreadsheets and the mathematical development of the participants in the tasks for performing the conversions between number systems using the instrumental genesis approach, which deals with transforming a tool into an instrument that will contribute to the conceptual development. In the study, the screen images of the worksheets of the participants, who are at the Department of Computer Technologies Program in a vocational school in Turkey, are analyzed together with the observation notes and evaluation scales prepared based on the outcomes. In the study, while the efforts of the participants to transform the spreadsheet into an instrument are observed, it is seen that their habits of paper-and-pencil experiences and misconceptions lead to an obstacle to transferring their operations to the spreadsheet and hesitations. However, their developments in instrumentalization processes are reflected by the following: they use subjective usage schemes, realize the advantages of spreadsheet functions and features, and create dynamic worksheets through dragging and cell addresses. Nevertheless, it can be stated that the reflections of instrumentalization progress on the instrumentation processes for conceptual development are limited

    Institutional Perspectives for the Integration of the Spreadsheet in Mathematics Learning: The Case of French Curriculums and Assessments

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    This study explored institutional aspects of the integration of the spreadsheet in mathematics education based on the example of France. For this purpose, the study examined relevant curriculums and exams, which were considered to reveal institutions’ approaches and to be effective factors of integration. Firstly, curriculum topics covering the use of the spreadsheet were determined and the pragmatic-epistemic values of the spreadsheet emphasized in curriculums and the equilibrium among these values were examined. Next, based on the exam corpus prepared for the study, the number of questions involving the use of the spreadsheet and other technological tools were compared and the questions involving the use of the spreadsheet were evaluated in terms of the topics and the expected student outcomes. This study found that the spreadsheet was currently covered in mathematics curriculum in France in all grade levels from secondary school through high school and was the second most used technological tool in practical exams. Also, while the secondary education curriculum covered pragmatic and epistemic values, the epistemic values included in the high school curriculum that was implemented until 2013 were not covered in the new curriculum

    Pratiques d'enseignants de mathématiques en environnement technologique : L'intégration du tableur dans l'enseignement des suites en Première Littéraire

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    This thesis focuses on the teachers' practices in a technological environment. It aims at contributing to the dimension of 'teacher' research on the integration of technologies in the teaching of mathematics. The dimension, which has developed recently, aims to take into account the difficulties that this integration meets. Based upon the results of earlier research, we have defined two axes for our field of study: the complexity of the situations of integration of technological tools for the teacher and the variability of the practices. According to these axes, part of the idea is that the teachers' classroom management is deeply marked by the constraints and opportunities of the technological tools. The phenomena which results from this, brings into play, in an overlapping way, the factors relating to the situation and the teacher. The variations of these factors determine the variability of the practices. For our observations, we decided to observe the teachers in ordinary conditions teaching the "séquence" in the 11th grade, literary stream. In this class, the official texts impose the use of technological tools, in particular, a spreadsheet and this is taken into account in the final secondary school examination –baccalauréat-.The spreadsheet is initially presented like a tool for teaching at the high school. Significant attention is placed on the analysis of the teachers' practices observed along with their evaluation practices. A comparison of the practices, using a theoretical model (known as the Saxe's model) is finally proposed in order to interpret these practices more finely and to give an account of their variability.Cette thèse porte sur les pratiques d'enseignants en environnement technologique. Elle vise à contribuer à la dimension 'enseignant' des recherches sur l'intégration des technologies dans l'enseignement des mathématiques, dimension qui s'est développée récemment pour prendre en compte les difficultés que rencontre cette intégration.En nous appuyant sur des résultats de recherches antérieures, nous avons défini en deux axes notre champ d'étude : le premier est celui de la complexité pour l'enseignant des situations d'intégration d'outils informatiques. Le deuxième est celui de la variabilité des pratiques. En fonction de ces axes, nous somme partie de l'idée que la gestion de classe par les enseignants est profondément marquée par les contraintes et opportunités des outils technologiques. Nous avons considéré que les phénomènes qui en découlent mettent en jeu de façon imbriquée des facteurs relatifs à la situation et à l'enseignant et que les variations de ces facteurs déterminent la variabilité des pratiques.Pour nos observations, nous avons fait le choix d'observer des enseignants dans des conditions ordinaires durant l'enseignement des « suites » en classe de Première Littéraire. Dans cette classe, les textes officiels imposent l'utilisation d'outils informatiques, notamment un tableur et prennent en compte cette utilisation à l'évaluation (baccalauréat).Le tableur est d'abord présenté comme un outil d'enseignement au lycée à travers les recherches existantes, l'analyse des programmes officiels et des manuels scolaires, notamment en Première Littéraire. Une place importante est ensuite consacrée à l'analyse des pratiques des enseignants observés ainsi qu'à leurs pratiques d'évaluation, sujet très peu abordé dans les recherches sur la technologie. Une comparaison des pratiques des deux enseignantes à l'aide d'un modèle théorique (dit le modèle de Saxe) est enfin proposée. Il s'agit d'interpréter plus finement ces pratiques et de rendre compte de leur variabilité

    International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC)

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    Background: Surgical site infections (SSIs) are a threat to patient safety; however, there were no available data on SSI rates stratified by surgical procedure (SP) in Turkey.Methods: Between January 2005 and December 2011, a cohort prospective surveillance study on SSIs was conducted by the International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC) in 20 hospitals in 16 Turkish cities. Data from hospitalized patients were registered using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) methods and definitions for SSIs. Surgical procedures (SPs) were classified into 22 types according to International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision criteria.Results: We recorded 1879 SSIs, associated with 41,563 SPs (4.3%; 95% confidence interval, 4.3-4.7). Among the results, the SSI rate per type of SP compared with rates reported by the INICC and CDC NHSN were 11.9% for ventricular shunt (vs 12.9% vs 5.6%); 5.3% for craniotomy (vs 4.4% vs 2.6%); 4.9% for coronary bypass with chest and donor incision (vs 4.5 vs 2.9); 3.5% for hip prosthesis (vs 2.6% vs 1.3%), and 3.0% for cesarean section (vs 0.7% vs 1.8%).Conclusions: In most of the 22 types of SP analyzed, our SSI rates were higher than the CDC NHSN rates and similar to the INICC rates. This study advances the knowledge of SSI epidemiology in Turkey, allowing the implementation of targeted interventions. Copyright (C) 2015 by the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC) national report on device-associated infection rates in 19 cities of Turkey, data summary for 2003-2012

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    Background: Device-associated healthcare-acquired infections (DA-HAI) pose a threat to patient safety, particularly in the intensive care unit (ICU). We report the results of the International Infection Control Consortium (INICC) study conducted in Turkey from August 2003 through October 2012

    Picturing asthma in Turkey: results from the Turkish adult asthma registry

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    Introduction: National data on asthma characteristics and the factors associated with uncontrolled asthma seem to be necessary for every country. For this purpose, we developed the Turkish Adult Asthma Registry for patients with asthma aiming to take a snapshot of our patients, thereby assigning the unmet needs and niche areas of intervention. Methods: Case entries were performed between March 2018 and March 2022. A web-based application was used to record data. Study outcomes were demographic features, disease characteristics, asthma control levels, and phenotypes. Results: The registry included 2053 patients from 36 study centers in Turkey. Female subjects dominated the group (n = 1535, 74.8%). The majority of the patients had allergic (n = 1158, 65.3%) and eosinophilic (n = 1174, 57.2%) asthma. Six hundred nineteen (32.2%) of the patients had obese asthma. Severe asthma existed in 670 (32.6%) patients. Majority of cases were on step 3–5 treatment (n: 1525; 88.1%). Uncontrolled asthma was associated with low educational level, severe asthma attacks in the last year, low FEV1, existence of chronic rhinosinusitis and living in particular regions. Conclusion: The picture of this registry showed a dominancy of middle-aged obese women with moderate-to-severe asthma. We also determined particular strategic targets such as low educational level, severe asthma attacks, low FEV1, and chronic rhinosinusitis to decrease uncontrolled asthma in our country. Moreover, some regional strategies may also be needed as uncontrolled asthma is higher in certain regions. We believe that these data will guide authorities to reestablish national asthma programs to improve asthma service delivery

    Time-dependent analysis of extra length of stay and mortality due to ventilator-associated pneumonia in intensive-care units of ten limited-resources countries: findings of the International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC)

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    Ventilator-associated pneumonias (VAPs) are a worldwide problem that significantly increases patient morbidity, mortality, and length of stay (LoS), and their effects should be estimated to account for the timing of infection. The purpose of the study was to estimate extra LoS and mortality in an intensive-care unit (ICU) due to a VAP in a cohort of 69 248 admissions followed for 283 069 days in ICUs from 10 countries. Data were arranged according to the multi-state format. Extra LoS and increased risk of death were estimated independently in each country, and their results were combined using a random-effects meta-analysis. VAP prolonged LoS by an average of 2.03 days (95% CI 1.52-2.54 days), and increased the risk of death by 14% (95% CI 2-27). The increased risk of death due to VAP was explained by confounding with patient morbidity

    Poster presentations.

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